Mini Media Literacy Library
For your convenience, we've assembled a library of our Media Moment Mini-Lessons. These mini-lessons combine civic content and news literacy skills. Designed for the high school classroom, each mini-lesson includes a content reading, a news literacy highlight, and a one-page news literacy activity. Use the readings together or separately to target multiple learning objectives throughout the year! Each lesson can also be found in the units below.
In our "Executive Branch" unit:
- Mini-lesson: Veto Power (HS) - News Literacy Skill: Fact-checking and triangulation
- Mini-lesson: Pardon Power (HS) - News Literacy Skill: Fact-checking
- Mini-lesson: Presidential Appointments (HS) - News Literacy Skill: Media as Gatekeeper
- Mini-lesson: Executive Orders (HS) - News Literacy Skill: Fair and Balanced View Points
- Mini-lesson: Succession (HS) - News Literacy Skill: Understanding Satire
In our "Legislative Branch" unit:
- Mini-lesson: Congressional Committees (HS) - News Literacy Skill: Understanding Bias
- Mini-lesson: Filibusters (HS) - News Literacy Skill: News Framing
- Mini-lesson: The Incumbent Advantage (HS) - News Literacy Skill: Opinion Journalism
- Mini-lesson: Gerrymandering (HS) - News Literacy Skill: Media as Gatekeeper, Agenda Setter, and Watchdog
- Mini-lesson: Midterm Elections (HS) - News Literacy Skill: Horse Race Journalism
In our "Judicial Branch" unit:
- Mini-lesson: Supreme Court Opinions (HS) - News Literacy Skill: News-Related Opinion
- Mini-lesson: Judicial Activism & Restraint (HS) - News Literacy Skill: Evaluating Opinion
*For more news literacy lessons, see our full "News Literacy (HS)" unit.