Welcome to the iCivics On Demand Professional Development Series!
These eleven videos will introduce the basics of how to use iCivics library of 300+ resources, including FREE games, DBQuest, WebQuests, middle and high school lesson plans, infographics, videos, and Private i History Detectives.
- Intro to iCivics On-Demand Professional Development Series
- Why and How to Teach with Games
- Teaching with Games for Multilingual Learners
- Planning with iCivics
- Inquiry-Based Civics for Elementary
- Using Infographics in the Classroom
- Teaching with Untold Stories
- Teaching with DBQuest and Primary Sources
- Independent Learning with WebQuest
- Teaching Media Literacy
- Teaching Elections
Teacher Guides
This video is funded through a grant from the U.S. Department of Defense as part of the Civics, Service, and Leadership program.