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The Research & Practice of Student Voice in Classrooms & Schools

7:00p-7:45p Presentation and Q & A (Open to Public)

7:45p-8:30p iCSL Master Teacher Cohort Meeting (Closed Session)

Guest Speaker: Dr. Erica Hodgin

Dr. Erica Hodgin is the Co-Director of the Civic Engagement Research Group (CERG) at the University of California, Riverside. In this webinar, learn about educator responsiveness to student voice. This session is relevant for school leaders, teachers, and educators broadly. Participants will learn what it is, research on its student impact, as well as approaches and considerations in responsiveness. A reflection tool, The Student Voice Spectrum, will be used as an example for participants to be able to use in their classrooms.

Teacher Guides

Downloadable teaching materials, including lesson plans, student handouts, and PowerPoint decks.




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