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Why Civics? Why Now? Re-Imagining Civic Education for the Next Generation


A healthy constitutional democracy requires a citizenry that has the knowledge, skills, and desire to participate in it. To motivate the next generation of students to gain civic knowledge, practice civic skills, and develop a civic mindset, they need the right tools. Guide students to become civic-minded members of society by providing more instructional time for civics coupled with deeper integration of civics content in literacy instruction. TCM and iCivics have partnered to produce relevant, engaging, and classroom-ready resources designed for that very purpose. Come learn about these brand-new kits -- iCivics Readers -- that empower students to hone both their literacy and their civic literacy at the same time!

In this session, participants will learn:

  • Why civics matters and why it matters so much right now;
  • the research-based connections between civic knowledge and reading comprehension; and
  • how iCivics Readers supports civic knowledge and reading comprehension in an engaging, classroom-friendly way!

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