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Run a law firm and test your knowledge of constitutional rights.
Learn to control all three branches of the U.S. government!
This lesson guides volunteers through a great class activity for Constitution Day. Enjoyed this activity? Find more Constitution Day resources in this collection. *Note: One or…
Discover the debate that surrounded the Constitution before it became the law of the land. Excerpts from Federalist 84 and Anti-Federalist 46 offer insight into both sides of the…
Learn how the Constitution has changed over time and what methods created those changes. Analyze specific examples of change including amendments, Supreme Court decisions, and…
Compare and contrast the U.S. and Ohio constitutions in this hands-on lesson using excerpts from both documents. Dig into how they structure the government, address individual…
This mini-lesson highlights some of the most critical additions to our Constitution and how those additions guarantee students' rights.
How does Washington’s state constitution compare and contrast with the U.S. Constitution? Look no further for the answer! Guide your class through some basic similarities and…
What does the right to free speech actually mean? Students examine the types of speech the Supreme Court has interpreted as protected by the First Amendment, and those that have…
The First Amendment includes a two-for-one deal in its protection of religious freedom. This mini-lesson explains the difference between the Establishment and the Free Exercise…
The 14th Amendment defined natural born citizenship for the nation. Over a century later, the clause is still making news. This mini-lesson examines the 14th Amendment’s…
Learn about one of the hardest working passages in the U.S. Constitution: the 14th Amendment’s Equal Protection Clause. Students learn why the clause was created and discover how…
Meet the superhero legislation of civil rights. Students are introduced to eleven categories of civil rights protections with a focus on Title VII, which bans discrimination in the…
The relationship between Native nations and the U.S. federal government is important to understand. This mini-lesson provides an overview of tribal sovereignty from the past to the…
The events of 9/11 changed the government’s approach to fighting terrorism. In this mini-lesson, students gain an overview of the USA PATRIOT Act of 2001 and how it changed the way…
Students examine the key voting rights protected by this landmark civil rights law. This mini-lesson also provides an overview of the Supreme Court’s interpretation of the law in…
Give students a snapshot of the Constitution, the purpose of each article, the powers of the three branches, how a bill becomes a law, and more.
Help students learn about the duties and powers of the three branches, the amendment process, and the role of the Constitution as the supreme law of the land.
In this federalism lesson plan, students learn where the federal government gets its power and that government power in the United States is split between states and the federal…
Students find out how the checks and balances of the three branches of government work. Through the process of creating a healthy school lunch menu, students role-play each…