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What if we thought of international organizations as tools in a toolbox, collaborating and fulfilling specific roles to get a job done? In this infographic, students learn about…
In this lesson, students learn to use reputable sources to investigate social media posts about the legislative branch.
In today’s digital age, it’s essential to be a critical consumer of online information. So, how can you spot problematic content? Fact-checking websites are a great tool for…
Students grasp the nuances of diplomacy through this interactive lesson. They are called to decide which diplomacy tools work best in different situations. Students will develop an…
Countries often work together to solve problems and fall into conflict when problems cannot be resolved. After learning about motivations and conditions that lead to action (or…
Economic, cultural, and military influence are all critical in developing spheres of influence. Students explore international authority by following a Cold War case study, which…
Students compare the basic structure of several different international organizations before categorizing their work. Students also examine the local and global impact of…
Need to teach the legislative branch in a hurry? This lesson is designed to cover the basics in a single class period. Students learn what Congress is, what the Constitution says…
Students learn why there are two houses of Congress and discover how a bicameral legislature ensures that all states have a voice in bills. Together, the class creates a school…
How do members of Congress decide whether to vote yea or nay on a bill? In this lesson, students learn what factors members of Congress consider when deciding whether to vote for a…
In this video, students learn about the life of Patsy Takemoto Mink who became the first woman of color elected to Congress. In her 24 years as a Representative, Mink battled…
In this video, students learn the process for evaluating the trustworthiness of a post’s source and the authenticity of its claim.
Do you know who represents you in the federal, state and local government? Do you know how to get in touch with them?
What does it take for a bill to become a law? In this WebQuest, students will learn that the process is not easy as they follow the history of the landmark legislation that…
Do you ever wish you could make the rules? Well, there are people whose job it is to make the rules for this country. These rules are called laws, and the people who make them are…