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This mini-lesson covers the basics of the Supreme Court's decision that established a school's ability to prohibit inappropriate student language on campus. Students learn about…
This mini-lesson covers the Supreme Court’s decision about limiting government restrictions on campaign contributions. Students learn about campaign finance, Super PACs, the…
This mini-lesson covers the basics of the Supreme Court’s decision that determined the government’s ability to conduct electronic surveillance of its citizens. Students learn about…
This mini-lesson covers the basics of the Supreme Court decision that determined Dred Scott, having lived in a free territory, was not entitled to his freedom. Students learn about…
Transform your students’ gameplay into meaningful and memorable learning. You can now download and assign extension pack materials directly from the Court Quest game page. The…
In this lesson, students get the basics of U.S. citizenship. As a foundation for studying the rights and responsibilities of citizens, they’ll learn what it means to be a citizen…
Transform your students’ gameplay into meaningful and memorable learning. You can now download and assign extension pack materials directly from the County Works game page. The…
Students learn that they are citizens at many levels of society — home, school, city, state, and nation — and create a graphic organizer that diagrams citizen rights and…
In this global citizenship lesson plan, students play international detective as they read accounts of international pollution issues. Students also complete an activity tracing…
Problems need solutions, and solutions require plans. In this civic engagement lesson plan, students brainstorm a list of local problems and action steps that they might take to…
Students learn about citizenship around the world and compare the rights and responsibilities of citizens in other countries to the rights held by U.S. citizens. Got a 1:1…
How are leaders in Congress elected and organized? In this short mini-lesson, students learn about Congress' leadership positions and the primary duties of each one. Students will…
Transform your students’ gameplay into meaningful and memorable learning. You can now download and assign extension pack materials directly from the Counties Work: Texas game…
Members in the House and Senate decide who will take on important leadership roles. Teach students about how party leaders shape the congressional agenda.
What does the right to free speech actually mean? Students examine the types of speech the Supreme Court has interpreted as protected by the First Amendment, and those that have…
The First Amendment includes a two-for-one deal in its protection of religious freedom. This mini-lesson explains the difference between the Establishment and the Free Exercise…
The 14th Amendment defined natural born citizenship for the nation. Over a century later, the clause is still making news. This mini-lesson examines the 14th Amendment’s…
Learn about one of the hardest working passages in the U.S. Constitution: the 14th Amendment’s Equal Protection Clause. Students learn why the clause was created and discover how…
Meet the superhero legislation of civil rights. Students are introduced to eleven categories of civil rights protections with a focus on Title VII, which bans discrimination in the…
The relationship between Native nations and the U.S. federal government is important to understand. This mini-lesson provides an overview of tribal sovereignty from the past to the…