Join iCivics at the 103rd National Council for Social Studies Annual Conference in Nashville! Stop by Booth #635 and consider attending one (or more!) of our NINE sessions:
Harmony in Our Story: Curriculum & Professional Learning
Speakers: Christina Ross & Sarah DeWitt
Thursday, November 30, 2:50 PM, Omni Legends E
Explore iCivics’ inquiry-driven, EAD-inspired US History curriculum and our new professional development offerings, which can be used systemically or individually by teachers to build the pedagogical practices needed to implement a diverse, inclusive US History curriculum.
Investigating the Mystery of K-5 Social Studies!
Speakers: Natacha Scott & Emma Humphries
Thursday, November 30, 4:00 PM, Omni Legends E
Looking to strengthen elementary instruction? Join us to investigate the Private i History curriculum where your youngest learners put on their historian hats to build content knowledge, practice critical thinking, and develop life-long inquiry skills lesson by lesson.
Unlocking Inquiry for English and Multilingual Learners (ELs/MLs)
Speakers: Kristen Chapron & Sarah Dewitt
Friday, December 1, 2023, 9:30 AM, Room 202A
How can students, especially English and multilingual learners, be more engaged and look forward to history class? Explore our culturally and linguistically responsive inquiry-based approach that is built around students’ assets. Explore effective strategies to make complex content comprehensible; to authentically assess; and to provide vocabulary and primary language support.
Private i History Detectives: Using Historical Inquiry to Make Interdisciplinary Connections (Poster Session)
Speakers: Kelley Brown & Laurie Risler
Friday, December 1, 10:00 AM, Exhibit Hall A, Table 52
Invite young learners to build meaningful connections to their community and across disciplines using Private i History detectives. Inquiries build transferable skills in historical thinking, mathematics, science and language arts.
A Country Music Guide to Inquiry
Speaker: Emma Humphries
Friday, December 1, 2023, 12:45 PM, Exhibit Hall Classroom 1 in Exhibit Hall A on the Level 3
Hold onto your cowboy hat and discover the power of country music titles to inspire powerful inquiries. Hear good examples ("Why Not Me?") and bad ones ("Why'd You Come In Here Looking Like That?) alongside practical frameworks. You'll smile, tap your feet, and wonder, "Why Didn't I Think Of That?"
Energize Young History Detectives! Investigate Curriculum Through a Local Lens!
Speakers: Natacha Scott, Kelley Brown & Laurie Risler
Friday, December 1, 2023, 1:55 PM, Room 104E
Calling all ELEMENTARY teachers! Explore how to use local primary sources and placed-based learning opportunities for integrating social studies into your classroom. This interactive workshop will explore teaching history topics through a local lens using inquiry and primary sources. Integrate skills and content from social studies, science, math, and ELA.
Court is in session! A tool for Supreme Court role-plays
Speakers: Amanda Setters & Greg Trefry
Saturday, December 2, 2023, 11:20 AM, Room 110B
Turn your classroom into the Supreme Court by using iCivics & Gigantic Mechanic’s new whole-class, live-action game, Supreme Decision. Cast students as petitioners, respondents, and Justices to practice the art of civil discourse, facilitate deep, whole-class engagement, and make real-world connections with a landmark court case.
Civics, History, and the Constitution in the Classroom
Speaker: Natacha Scott, Steven Steinbach, Kerry Sautner & Maeva Marcus
Saturday, December 2, 2023, 3:40 PM, Room 110A
The teaching of constitutional history should be an integral part of the U.S. History, American Government, and Civics curricula at all educational levels. This session demonstrates how teachers can bring the Constitution to life in their classrooms.
Doing Civics for Civics: Social Studies Teachers on the Frontlines Advancing Stronger Civic Education
Speakers: Shawn Healy, Lisa Boudreau
Saturday, December 2nd, 3:40 PM, 104E
Social studies teachers are at the heart of sustaining and strengthening our constitutional democracy as they prepare our students to be informed and engaged participants in our self-governing society. Join the iCivics policy team to help understand the key role teachers can play in advancing state and federal policies strengthening K-12 civic education. Participants will have time to network and learn from one another, engaging in activities and compelling exchanges through which they will:
- Get the latest information on the federal push to maintain funding for civic and history education for Fiscal Year 2024 and more ambitious efforts to prioritize and strengthen K-12 civic education through generational national investments
- Examine case studies of successful state efforts to strengthen civics, exploring how these efforts can be emulated closer to home, including concrete legislative opportunities for spring 2024 state legislative sessions
- Emerge empowered to tell stories of effective practice at the classroom level and the link to stronger state and federal policies in ensuring the strength of our constitutional democracy for future generations.