Home > Professional Development > Teaching Media Literacy to Combat Misinformation

Teaching Media Literacy to Combat Misinformation

7:00p-7:45p Presentation and Q & A (Open to Public)

7:45p-8:30p iCSL Master Teacher Cohort Meeting (Closed Session)

Guest Speaker: Dr. Jimmeka Anderson

Dr. Jimmeka Anderson is a media literacy educator and project manager for the National Association for Media Literacy Education (NAMLE). In this webinar, she will be guiding educators with a framework for incorporating media literacy skills in the classroom. This session is relevant for middle and high school educators. Participants will learn the importance of using media literacy to teach students skills to combat online misinformation/disinformation as well as engage in discourse about public issues. Participants will walk away with a new free resource to use, the Cyber Citizenship Initiative website, and strategies for engaging students with media literacy and cyber citizenship skills.

Teacher Guides

Downloadable teaching materials, including lesson plans, student handouts, and PowerPoint decks.




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